Sunday, June 27, 2010

Aw!! Today very sian lor.. Kian Hwee and Jian Yong never come out only me and Ting Wei.. I and Ting Wei meet up at bicycle shop there at Gombak.. Then went to BBC slack awhile.. Then saw Boon Chun he say he going to 413 eat then me and Ting Wei oso folo lor coz at BBC oso no ppl.. Haizxc!! After eating went back to BBC saw some friend decided to play BB match.. :) After playing slack till very long at there.. After that Vin Thai came.. Wa!! He Sibei nerd sia his hair.. hehe!! After awhile we went to skatepark.. WOW!! Vin Thai and Ting Wei!! Donno how to say haha!! then wanted to went back to BBC but there no ppl so we went home le.. Thats all!! Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You
Haizxc!! Wanted to forget of HER!!
But why i can't!!
Haizxc!! i can't stop thinking of HER!!