Friday, June 25, 2010

Erm.. Today went for CSO.. Tired la!! Wake up rainning heavily i was like WTF dun wan to go lei.. But no choice going to end le.. hehe!! :D After CSO went to slack with my Yong Da CSO ppl oso.. After that went BBC meet Ting Wei, Darren, Kian Hwee, Jian Yong.. Slacking at BBC.. Kian Hwee and Jian Yong went to west mall dun do wat la.. After that went makan with Ting Wei and Darren.. Finish eating they go home left me i go BBC find friend play awhile then went home le... Thats All.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You
Today did not saw HER maybe SHE don't come at night..
Haixzc!! Keep thinking of HER!!