Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wa today wake up raining must take bus.. Walao!! Wanted to walk to meet Ting Wei at his house.. Btw i oso overyslept la hehe!! Meet him at 6plus then wait at his house below there.. Walao today assembly so tired lei almost fall a sleep.. Sian bodoh!! Haizxc!! After sch went meet Jedrek then have a hair cut.. haizxc!! dun know nice a not lei.. hehe!! After that go to Gombak Mac meet Ting Wei, Ching Fu and Darren.. Then slack at Ting Wei block with some others friend.. then Jian Yong call me i ask me to come.. After awhile went to BBC till 4-5plus ba.. Going to eat noodle saw HER!! Then ask her something then i go eat le.. After that keep thinking of HER!! WTF!! Seriously miss HER alot sia.. KNN!! After that all friend go home le.. Left me then i saw some friend after that i go home le lor.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You
I miss HER damn alot alot alot!!
What to do!!
I just wan HER!!