Monday, June 7, 2010

Wohoo!! Today wake up damn early lor!! 6.30!! WTF!! Went to my programme acrhery quite fun but very tired and my hands is sibei PAIN LOR!! WTF!! 1plus all of us in the programme was back some of them and i went to slack.. After slacking went home with friend reach home around 2:50 after that Boon Kuan, Kevin came to my house watch tv play comp.. awhile later Vin Thai came to my house WOW!! So good got people pei me!! HAHA!! At 5plus we when to BBC and slack over there till 8plus.. We waited for Bball damn long lor.. In between of a match the Bball hit till Vin Thai face and it roll to the drain.. Wa the Vin Thai face so poor thing HAHA!! i jump down to the drain to take the Bball.. Wa my hand hit till the ground when i was supporting it.. WA VERY PAIN LEI!! No energy to climb up.. So i asked Vin Thai to pei me walk below the road to other drain.. Wow so dark and scary but no choice got walk.. We climb from the watever thing la.. After that i went home so tired!! Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You