Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today can say that i am quite happy ba.. hehe!! Wake at 9plus.. Call Kevin ask him wat time meet go causeway point.. Coz our sch there selling things ma.. Then we reach there at 11am just nice manzxc!! HAHA!! Go there but boring 1words wait for Jian Yong and Nicholas meet them at 1plus going 2 le.. Go walk walk at causeway point.. buy thing.. Then after that Kian Hwee call me keep wanting us to go meet him.. Then we went to 419 there wait for him to come.. Slack awhile at night Leslie and Wei Lin came play BB awhile then Wei Lin have to go left me Kian Hwee and Lesli slack awhile talk talk then went HOME.. Thats All.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You