Monday, October 25, 2010

Today went to esplanade.. Quite fun at there but very tried coz i ytd night only sleep for 4hrs.. Thinking of my Baby :( Today morning went to meet Kevin Ng at his house below go eat at 413 after that Ryan came n join us.. Went to slack awhile at 331 there chitchat tgt.. After that Kevin went to find Clovis dun know at where la.. :) Then i and Ryan go slack outside sch for awhile then go sch.. Then went to esplanade.. After sch went home change then go meet Ting Wei they all went to BBC play awhile of BB.. Went home at 7plus waiting for my Baby to online.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
Baby!! I Love You!!
Baby!! Come Back Early!!
Baby!! I Seriously Need You By My Side!!
Baby!! I Miss You Alot!!
3 days without you!!