Monday, June 21, 2010

Wow!! Today wake up at 745am.. Can't sleep at all sore thoat walao very pain sia.. Haizxc!! But still abit tired went back to bed sleep for awhile more.. Then wake up at 8plus.. Went to PTO programme till 12pm.. After that went slacking awhile then went back home change and go meet Ting Wei, Jian Yong, Nicholas, Jeremias, Kian Hwee.. Oso slack for awhile at blk 330!! Then went to BBC play BB.. Today saw HER!! Feeling Happy!! But did not talk to her!! haizxc :( Went home at 8plus le.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You
Things still the same never change!!
Keep looking at HER but not sure SHE did look at me!! :(
Maybe i still need HER!!