Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yesterday was too tired to update my blog.. Lets start from today coz i forgotten wat happened yesterday.. Haha!! Today wake at 8plus walk to 419 wait for friend and slack alone.. Then saw 1 of the friend so ask him to pei me go eat at 324.. Haha!! After eating when back to 419 saw Kian Hwee and Allan.. awhile later Kian Hwee when to friend house.. So i waited for Kevin and her stupid sister.. Kevin reached but we ask where his sister he in the bus.. Keep waiting after 20min she reached ask her why so late she say alight at wrong stop.. We were like WTF!! After that went to Allan house.. A few hours Vin Thai came.. After he came we about to go.. Sad for him haha!! :( I, Vin Thai, Kevin and his sister went to BBC.. After that Kevin sister gtg.. So Left the 3 of us we play at the BBC coz today no ppl lei.. After that went home le.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
Thinking Of You
Haizxc!! Today saw her le.. But don't dare to look at her!!
I'm MAD!!