Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oopsss very long bo update my blog le haha too lazy to on my comp... Tired day today Zzz.... Wake at 9plus so sleepy go sleep again :) Then wake up again at 10plus still sleepy but no choice go meet Wei Lin, Jun Wen and Leslie at Leslie house.. Then Leslie wan to go cut hair we pei him go till the GoodView there.. Wtf so far and hot.. After cutting we go eat.. Then went back to leslie house.. Change in to his shirt haha!! Coz he say must wear till nice -.-!!! Then go to Si Wai house Wax our hair then i saw his shirt i go take and change in to it haha!! Then he wear Leslie shirt haha!! After doing our thing we go wait for bus coz Jedrek ardy in the bus le haha!! Then we went to BPP meet Ting Wei then go eat then go play arcade till 2-3plus ba then Ching Fu come find us for awhile then go le.. So left Ting Wei, Jun Wen, Wei Lin, Jedrek, Si Wai, Leslie, Nicholas Onn.. After that went to Jun Wen god mei mei birthday party.. We are the first to reach there.. When waiting for her friend to come we went to play BB over there.. Play till 5plus they still have not reach.. So hungry.. Wait till 7plus then can eat -.-!!! Eat abit I, Jedrek and Nicholas Onn go play soccer.. Till 8plus then i go home le.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
I Love My Stupid Girl Alot Alot!!
Miss You!! :(