Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I ytd did not update my blog because my mother take away my laptop -.-!!! Today then update very sianzxc lor.. Dun know how to write.. Okay nvm today morning my stupid girl came to my house below meet me.. So stupid lor :D So early wake up because of me.. Love her so much!! After we meet we go meet Ting Wei, Leslie and Jun Wen then go eat at 413.. After eating we go sch but my baby dun wan listen to me :( Pon sch la!! Haizxc naughty girl!! But I still love her alot alot alot!!! After sch i go meet her then go my house with Ching Fu, Ting Wei, Jedrek, Dayana slack awhile.. Then go back to GoodView play BB :D Walao!! Actually is play BB then become Block Catching tired sia!! But fun haha!! After that went home le.. Thats all.. Bye Bye!!
I love You!! :)