Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wa today got hair check fuck sia!! Who cares :) Teacher ask me to cut my hair but i dun wan :) Wa then wan run away that time get caught by teacher freak!! He pull my shirt damn hard sia WOW very SCARED!! :( HAHA!! He bring me to the dm room sit -.-!!! Then at there talk so much very boring sia!! Today actually can say i tio suspention -.-!!! 2nd time liao lei.. Then keep talking to Ching Fu, Darren and Si Wai.. Haizxc!! After sch still need to stay back for the talk talk thingy la.. Till 4plus very sianzxc sia!! Waste my time lor!! But nvm after that go home change.. Then go meet Leslie, Si Wai, Jedrek, Ting Wei and Jun Wen play bb..
I Love My Baby So Much!!