Thursday, November 25, 2010


Another day my baby want me to update his stupid blog. Haha. He's lazy ok. His having noseblock now. Faster take tissue and blow la, stupid. Anyanyanyway, tmr we all meeting at 2pm. With father and the girlf, i know i good k. I come with them. You knowknowknow, i'm veli bored now. And i want to hug this stupid boy like NOW LA. ): anyway, baby quit smoking lea. You know, good boy right. So guai right. I like. So yes, he better don't touch a single stick. Today he at home, watching show, play maple all day. You know, he better go out soon k. He's been stuck at home for a couple of days. Well he is very guai now you know. But still very stupid. He cannot be clever cos he's my stupid boy k. If he's clever then, also cannot. Still stupid k. I will still make him stupid like how stupid he was. I love him k. You dare touch his ass, i pinch ur nehneh k. He's mine k, get lost. Muahahahahaha. Oh yeah, Elaine Sem is here typing this stupid blog of his. Babyboy must sleep early tonight okay. Don't stay up so late, its veryveryvery not healthy k. I know you veryvery troubling me much updating mine and yours k. haha, i love you la. And i also love to update your blog. Your blog always nothing to write one. Must write this all everyday you know. Learn from me k. I love you baby, Goodnight bi.

33 days without ME! :)
with love,
ElaineSem, Her superwoman girlfriend.