Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love Baby ahHan.

Hello people in the whole world. I'm yuehan's girlfriend, not him k. I have a veryvery lazy boyfriend i tell you. And i'm here to update this superuber blog of his k. Let me guess what he did the whole day, watch show, play maple, chatting with me. He is so stupid, lazy and veryvery err, idk liao. Very good. :) So he better thank me, k. I take a lot of effort to do his blog k. And i want cookies and ice cream when i come back k, baby? I want my boyfriend to feed me k. Hah. I don't know what to say now. I know he is watching show now and i curse his show now. Can he stop watching show? Not good eyes you know. Must be like me, my eyes good k. Perfect k. Perfect like Baby's backside's perfectness k. Our butts are sexy k. Be jealous hor. Okay, maybe i'll end here. No, not yet. I lovelove Baby k. k, goodbye people. See you in the nextnext time. If ever he got lazy, i'm still here updating this blog of his. k, bai people. Elaine Sem was here. Be happy. Muacks. i love babyboo. I remembered, it has been 32 days without superwoman ElaineSem. I wonder how this superman survive without me for one month and one day. Let him survive. I guess he had been staying at home the whole time. Well i'd better kick his ass soon. Loveyou baby ahHan. :)

32 days without ME.