Thursday, February 3, 2011

210710, love.

Hi world and hello, finally i'm here to update his blog again. HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BABY. Baby, faster wake up now. He step one wake up already end up he fall asleep. Faster wake up and give me a message. Stupid baby, see i love you so much help you update your deaddddd blog. I know this guy is gonna be busy throughout this chinese new year eh. Enjoy baby. I miss you. You don't even miss me. Eat shit la, bangla. Muacks!! Okay. I shall end here. Loveyou. Muaacks!!

;) - twentyone zeroseven onezero.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I'm here again la. Everytime i help this lazy pig of mine update his stupid blog! Hahaha. Baby stop scaring me already. :( Don't play this kind of thing already la. Eat my shit better. No laa. I love this asshole of mine okay. :D He better better don't do stupid thing again. -.-. BABY. ATTITUDE! k la. i like so stupid here sia. :( i love 210710 ;) See his face upstairs right! Showing off the bite in his neck right. Me and papa laughing at him sia. Keep posing funny face one. :P Hahaha. K, i shall continue talking to him. Later he complain i never talk to him! :P k, bye.

Baby, forever means forever, idc.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hellohello Elaine is here again. Yuehan's superwoman. Gonna update this blog of my beloved boyfriend in the whole world! Went to Safra with him just now. Was planning to attend Darren's birthday party and go straight to church. End up i didn't had time to go church. So my boyfriend come to find me. :) okok . I have to write here here and here. Baby i'm sorry for treating you this way and i'm sorry for hurting you all times. Sorry for not giving enough care for you. I know sometimes i didn't care about you whenever i'm with my friends, and i'm sorry about it. This time round, i'll change. And i'll treat you like how i used to last time. Giving my love and care all the time. I will care more about you from now onwards. I promise myself i won't hurt you again. I know last time i told you to change. And now, my turn to change as well. :) I love you, 210710. Four more days from now, we're going to be half of the year. I'm glad we made it through this long. I love you dear baby. Let's continue and have this relationship a never ending story! :)


Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby go eat my shit!

Superwoman is here! ABCDEFGHIJKLASSF. I'm helping my lazy ass boyfriend to update this rotten blog of his. WHATWHATWHAT he today like siaosiao one. Hahaha. I love him k. we're going like half a year already? I feel like its only a month. So fast right. Hope can last forever. Yes it will and yes, forever. I know Forever is like a dam hard to believe. But he is my forever. Let's see. Hehehe. Stupid baby boy is a very stupid guy who always tease me one. Oi. This one for you hor. YOU REALLY BETTER STUDY FOR YOUR FUTURE K BABY. Must study really hard k. I know la you. Lazy pig. Better study. Don't 'okok' me. If not you go eat my shit! Hahaha. Baby fall down ah today. See la. Ask him becareful dun run here and there still go run run run and run! Haha. Next time be careful k. I don't want to see blood in your legs k. Muahhh! Love you baby. I miss you already :'( .


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ytd playing maple with Jedrek till 6am this morning.. :) Went to sleep till 1plus then go my grandma house for lunch.. Rest at there awhile.. Then went home sleep for awhile.. Wake up le using comp.. Waiting for my Baby to online.. While waiting i was play maple with Jedrek.. Now nth to do bored.. Thats all.. Bye Bye..
42 days without you!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Today afternoon when to meet Jedrek.. Went to buy @cash for maple :D After that went to meet Wei Lin and Ting Wei at 324.. Eat and chat.. Wei Lin say he want to go WM play arcade.. Then after eating we went WM arcade.. But i went home close window first HAHA.. Then meet them at WM arcade.. After playing went to 316 slack awhile then went to eat at 323 coffee shop.. Then went home lei.. Thats all.. Bye Bye..
40 days without you!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

I want to dream about you, tonight.

Heyhey dopes, Yuehan's superwoman is here. Let me guess, watching show and playing maple, everyday. No life ah, my darling. Idk why my eyes are starting to ache now a days. I donchh know. Oh yeah, baby recieve my letter. Liar sia the post office in Philippines. They said he's gonna recieve it after 3 weeks. Crazyass. Anyway, Its going to Dec soon. Christmas! My wish is that, i'm gonna be with Baby as long as we still live in this world, have a good life with him, and have a less quarrel with him. I know now a days we kept quarreling but i always do love him, so much. i love him as big as your ass. No, Bigger than your ass. Nonono, bigger than the biggest ass in the biggest whole world! In other words, I love him as big as much as how big in your mind right now. No, bigger. ENOUGH TALKING. Anyway, me lovelovelove my boyfriend k. Muah. Goodnight sweetie. Have a good rest. I love you!

37 days without ELAINEEEEEE.

With bigbigloves,